Home School Link Worker
The Hermitage and Oaktree School
Home School Link Worker (HSLW)
At The Hermitage and The Oaktree School, we strongly believe that by working holistically and preventatively with families, we can work together to improve children’s well-being and attainment. We believe that outcomes for our children improve when parents/carers work in partnership with our school.
Our Home School Link Worker (HSLW) works as part of the Inclusion Team across both schools.
The first point of contact should always be your child’s Class Teacher. It may be that your child’s Class Teacher decides to refer to our Home School Link Worker for additional support.
What is our goal?
We want all of our children to feel safe, happy and thrive at our schools.
How can a Home School Linker Worker support?
- We can offer support to parents and carers struggling to understand and support their child’s behaviour
- We can offer individual support and guidance
- We can offer support and signposting to agencies that can help with specific issues that are impacting on family life, e.g. illness, domestic abuse, disability, parental separation, bereavement or financial difficulties
- We can become an advocate for families, if required, to build relationships between home, school and other agencies
- We may work with individual children, where appropriate, when home issues are affecting or likely to affect the child’s behaviour, attendance, attainment or well-being
- We pay particular attention to the support needed at times of transition, starting school, moving to secondary school. We are able to liaise with pre-schools, nursery settings and secondary schools
How can you contact your Home School Link Worker (HSLW)?
- Via the Office
- Via the Class Teacher
- Via the school’s websites
- Email the HSLW directly - HSLW@oaktree.surrey.sch.uk